58 pages 1 hour read

Matthew Desmond

Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2016

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Essay Topics


Have you ever known anyone who was evicted? Have you seen someone who was homeless? How, and why, did reading Evicted change your opinion about them, if the book did?


While Tobin is only concerned with making money, Sherrena seems genuinely convinced she is helping her tenants, who in return only want to take advantage of her. Why would you agree or disagree with her perspective?


As Crystal hurls the belongings of Arleen and her boys out into the yard, she screams, “Y’all ain’t untouchable […] This is America! This is America!” (213). What kind of America is she describing? How does it compare to your idea of America? How does it contrast with Desmond’s?