77 pages 2 hours read

Toni Morrison


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1987

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Reviews & Readership

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Review Roundup

Toni Morrison's Beloved is lauded for its powerful exploration of slavery, memory, and trauma, delivered through poetic and haunting prose. Critics praise its depth and emotional impact, though some find the nonlinear narrative challenging. Overall, it is celebrated as a profound literary achievement, despite occasional criticisms of its complexity.

Who should read this

Who Should Read Beloved?

A reader who would enjoy Beloved by Toni Morrison is someone who appreciates historical fiction that delves into themes of slavery, identity, and memory. Fans of The Color Purple by Alice Walker and The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead will find similar emotional depth and rich, poetic prose in Morrison's work.


Reading Age


Lexile Level


Book Details

Magical Realism
American Literature
African American Literature
Emotions/Behavior: Memory
Relationships: Daughters & Sons
Race / Racism