89 pages 2 hours read

Francisco Jiménez

Cajas de Carton

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1996

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“El Angel de Oro” and “Christmas Gift”Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Story Summary: “El Angel de Oro”

In "El Angel de Oro," Jimenez and his family arrive at a labor camp in Corcoran, California, where the family plans to pick cotton to make money. Jimenez is in the third grade and, like most migrant kids, has been attending school intermittently, and in a number of different cities in California. As soon as the family arrives in Corcoran, it begins to rain heavily. The migrant families come together to tell ghost stories and play games while they wait for the rain to stop. Jimenez and Mama spend their days inside admiring the neighbor's goldfish, which swims peacefully in its bowl in their window. Mama calls this fish the golden angel.

Papa is distressed about the rain because it means the family can't work or make any money. He tells Jimenez and the others they may have to leave soon to find other work if the rain doesn't let up. Jimenez is less concerned, because he will be attending school the next week. On his way to school that Monday, Jimenez meets Miguelito, a playful boy two years older than Jimenez who started school in Corcoran back in October.