74 pages 2 hours read

The Lost Apothecary

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2021

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Chapters 10-16Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 10 Summary: “Nella—February 7, 1791”

Nella finds another note in the barrel of pearl barley. The note does not explicitly state what the writer wants, relying instead on subtle wordplay that hints at a desire for a deadly aphrodisiac. Nella assumes from the note’s somewhat cryptic wording that the writer is a wealthy woman who desires to have her cheating husband “die in the arms of his lover” (83) by ingesting this toxic stimulant. Though Nella has reservations about “meddling in the motives of the wealthy” (83), she recalls that Eliza’s note, though unsettling at first, resulted in an intended outcome. Squaring away her initial discomfort, Nella decides to fulfill this request; she grabs her coat and heads for Southwark in search of the beetles needed for the aphrodisiac.

On her way to the beetle field, Nella has a coughing fit that draws the attention of a young family with an infant named Beatrice. They invite her to come with them, telling her that they will “hire a boatman” (85) to reach Southwark. As she rides in the boat with them, she feels sick on the choppy river water and recalls her experience of morning sickness “despite the passage of two decades” (86), revealing that Nella was once pregnant with Frederick’s child. The young mother lets her hold the baby. Nella, though, does not feel any joy as she cradles the child, noting that the baby’s weight is like “a gravestone, a marker of loss” (87). As the boat passes Blackfriars’ Bridge, Nella contemplates “the release and freedom” (87) she could encounter with “a single step off the bridge” (87). In this moment she sees suicide as a way to seal away the secrets of the murders she’s taken part in, to liberate herself from her bodily pain, and to rejoin the infant daughter she lost.

Nella reaches the Southwark fields and harvests the beetles. She returns to the shop and makes the brew for the wealthy customer despite her unease at the woman’s impending arrival. There is a knock at the door. Nella thinks she’s forgotten the appointment of a woman needing routine remedies instead of poisons, but it is Eliza, visiting unexpectedly.

Chapter 11 Summary: “Eliza—February 8, 1791”

Eliza arrives and proudly tells Nella of how well she performed with the poisoned eggs, and how quickly Mr. Amwell died after consuming them. She has returned to the shop hoping that Nella will be able to provide her with something to dispel Mr. Amwell’s ghost and cease her bleeding. She does not explicitly tell Nella this, though, because she fears the older woman will not take her seriously if she unveils the entire truth. Eliza only tells Nella that she does not want to stay at the Amwell house, but Nella senses that she is holding something back. Eliza finds another way to ensure that she can stay in the shop a bit longer, thereby stalling her return to the Amwell estate: She entreats Nella to allow her an apprenticeship at the shop, emphatically informing Nella that the woman will “not be disappointed with [her] work” (94). Nella denies her at first, concerned that Eliza does not truly know what she’s getting into by asking to work in her shop.

Eliza eventually tells Nella that she thinks Mr. Amwell is haunting her; this spawns a discussion wherein Nella reveals that, though she does not believe ghosts exist as wrathful presences, she does believe that “we feel remnants of those who have lived before” (96), but these are simply “creations of our own desperate imaginations” (96). Eliza takes a bit of offense, thinking Nella is implying she is imagining Mr. Amwell’s haunting and Johanna’s cries. Nella gives her a small book of magic that belonged to her mother, though Nella never saw the woman open it. Nella tells her a story of how her mother healed a burned newborn with a topical treatment of wild honey and emphasizes that such healing is as good as magic. Nevertheless, Nella understands Eliza’s curiosity about magic. Nella also alerts Eliza to an address inside the book’s back cover, the location of a magic bookstore.

While Nella and Eliza are speaking, Nella’s latest client finally knocks on the door. Since Nella finds her hands unsteady, she allows Eliza to help around the shop “just this once” (99) by pouring and packing the powder for the new client.

Chapter 12 Summary: “Caroline—Present day, Thursday”

In the morning, before James’s arrival, Caroline goes to Bear Alley and finds that it is now a service route for delivery trucks. She hadn’t expected anything too obvious but had “hoped there would be a bit more intrigue than this” (101). Since Caroline’s period still hasn’t shown up, she sees this investigation partially as a distraction from her potential pregnancy (and James’s imminent arrival). Caroline goes further into the alley. She is a bit disheartened at not finding anything significant yet, but she eventually spots a small square clearing closed off by a steel gate.

She is spotted by a plumber working in the area and asks him about the clearing. Though the plumber does not know why the clearing exists, he tells her that there is a service door toward the left end of the clearing. He believes that it “probably just leads to a subcellar or something” (103). When the plumber leaves, Caroline steps on a dislodged stone to see further above the gate. She can discern “a large piece of wood set into the aged brick building” (104), as well as a rusted door handle about halfway down the wood.

Chapter 13 Summary: “Nella—February 8, 1791”

Nella’s latest customer arrives wearing a veil to mask her identity. She is obviously very wealthy; Nella notes that she seems more “suited to the airy parlors of Kensington” (105) than her hidden shop. The woman mistakes Eliza for Nella’s daughter and reveals that though she has no children of her own—despite how badly she wants them and how much she and her husband have tried to conceive—she finds the presence of children comforting. Nella is surprised that she shares this wealthy lady’s desire for children but notes that, unlike her, this woman is still fertile. As Nella explains how effective the aphrodisiac is, Nella asks Eliza to step into the storeroom to avoid hearing. But the woman insists, “with the force of someone accustomed to getting her way” (107), that Eliza remain. Nella explains the efficacy of the powder: With a quarter of the powder, the women’s husband will die within the night, but with half the powder, her husband will die within the hour. At the mention of her spouse, the woman confesses that she does not intend to kill her husband but his mistress and cousin, Miss Berkwell. Nella refuses, adamant that “no woman [will] suffer” (109) at her hands.

The new client becomes upset, calling Miss Berkwell her husband’s “insect and whore” (110). In response to this, Nella’s internal reflection discloses her former status as Frederick’s unwitting mistress. Though she did not know Frederick was married while they were involved, she identifies with Miss Berkwell a bit. Nella refuses to sell the wealthy woman the powder. The woman looks at Nella with incredulity and declares that she is Lady Clarence of Carter Lane, and that she will pay double the original price for the vial. Nella maintains her refusal, at which point Lady Clarence “[reaches] for the jar of powder” (112) in an attempt to steal it. However, Nella grabs the vial and throws its contents into the fire behind her. Outraged, Lady Clarence tells Nella to remake the powder by the following day or else she will go to the authorities and tell them about the true nature of Nella’s shop. She looks around the shop and threatens that, unless Nella complies with her request, “every secret within this squalid hole will come to light” (113).

Chapter 14 Summary: “Caroline—Present day, Tuesday”

Caroline leaves Bear Alley. As she walks, she decides that if many people had died because of the apothecary, as indicated by the hospital note she found, then there should be some record of the apothecary’s notoriety online. When her own research yields nothing, she visits Gaynor at the library for a more refined search. Caroline asks Gaynor if she has any maps of the Bear Alley area from the 1800s. The women learn that Back Alley juts off of Bear Alley. With Gaynor’s help, Caroline concludes that the “narrow, jagged line representing Back Alley on the 19th-century map [is] related to the door [she] saw earlier today” (119). The investigation of these maps makes Caroline feel as though she is unknotting an important historical mystery, and she is hopeful for what this may mean for a potential future as a historian and researcher. Caroline asks Gaynor how she would go about verifying the existence of this apothecary. Gaynor helps her look through the British Newspaper Archive for any articles about apothecaries in the 1800s. This search proves fruitless, and Gaynor suggests that Caroline sift through the library’s manuscript database for any leads. But because this database is not fully digitized and accessible, Caroline’s investigation of it could take months—time that she, on her short vacation, cannot spare. Though Caroline is mentally exhausted by the thought of such an extensive search, Gaynor encourages her to continue hunting for information. As Caroline leaves the library to prepare for James’s arrival, she resolves to solve this mystery.

Chapter 15 Summary: “Eliza—February 8, 1791”

When Lady Clarence leaves the shop, Eliza encourages Nella to remake the powder. She points out that if Nella is captured, her detailed register will lead to her clients’ arrests as well. Eliza internally recognizes that if Lady Clarence seeks revenge, she, too, would be exposed. Nella replies that she could not remake the powder even if she wanted to because of her physical ailments. Eliza offers to collect the beetles and prepare the powder because she is “well-accustomed to doing another person’s dishonorable work” (125). Nella agrees and plans to accompany Eliza on the trip. They wait until sundown to make the journey because the beetles rest at night, thereby making them easier to collect. While they wait for the sun to set, Eliza repairs the names in the register for Nella. Eliza remarks that these pages should be destroyed to avoid detection, but Nella explains that she records the names of these women because this is one of the few places where women of her era can “leave an indelible mark” (127) on the world around them. While repairing the names, Eliza notices Mrs. Amwell’s name in the register and finds out that she came to Nella’s shop a couple years prior to retrieve a nonpoisonous treatment for her spasms.

Once it is dark, Nella and Eliza head to Walworth field and collect the beetles. There are no coaches running this late, so Nella and Eliza take refuge in a shed for the night and wait for morning so they can find transportation then. As they sit in the shed, Nella talks about how her own path is just a logical divergence of her mother’s path: Nella holds her mother’s same herbal knowledge, but “[her] mother’s knowledge was a weapon she never once used” (134). Eliza reveals why she and Mrs. Amwell killed Mr. Amwell, birthing a discussion on trust and betrayal wherein Nella advises Eliza that “first, there is trust; then, there is betrayal; you cannot be betrayed by someone you do not trust” (135). Nella tells Eliza about Frederick, who Nella suspects mixed motherwort, a toxin that encourages the uterine lining to shed and can induce abortions, into her food after she fell pregnant with his child, likely an attempt to salvage his marriage with his wife Rissa. Rissa came to Nella’s shop and asked for nux vomica to kill Frederick for his betrayal. Nella supplied her with it, and Frederick became her first victim, marking the inception of her identity as a lethal apothecary. Nella acknowledges that her work cannot go on forever, then falls asleep on a bale of hay as Eliza watches.

Chapter 16 Summary: “Caroline—Present day, Tuesday”

Caroline heads back to the La Grande hotel. When she arrives at her room, she finds a vase of baby blue hydrangeas with a note from James promising to make things up to her. James shows up a little while later, and Caroline weathers the awkward reunion. James becomes teary-eyed as he thanks her for letting him in the room. Caroline notes that she’s only ever seen him cry twice before: at their wedding and at his uncle’s funeral. This rare show of tearfulness does not draw Caroline’s sympathy. She decides to go out for lunch to put some space between them. When James asks if he can join, Caroline reluctantly acquiesces. Caroline internally resolves to not tell James about her possible pregnancy. Over lunch, James tells Caroline that he had his mistress transferred. Caroline is unsatisfied with this, irritated at James’s implication that the blame could somehow be completely attributed to the other woman. James tells her that, though it is unfortunate that his unhappiness in their marriage came to light this way, “maybe there’s some good to come of it” (146).

Caroline asks why he cheated. James replies that he feels like his life has been too safe, claiming that it was Caroline who wanted such safety. Caroline says that James prevented her from going to grad school in Cambridge. James diffuses responsibility because, according to him, “[he] wasn’t the one to rip up the application” (147). James wants to stay in London to work things out, guilting Caroline into giving in by bringing up the price of his expensive last-minute flight. Caroline relents but tells him that she still wants to be alone for the next few days; she directs him to sleep on the couch. James leaves and heads back to the hotel. As Caroline remains at the cafe table, she gets a text from Gaynor saying she got a few hits on the manuscript database for the apothecary killer; Gaynor has also requested those manuscripts. Both search results are periodicals from 1791, and one includes an image. After closing Gaynor’s text, Caroline’s attention returns to her issues with James. Given how they both seem unsatisfied with their lives, Caroline reconsiders their potential future as parents.

Chapters 10-16 Analysis

Eliza’s desire to remain in Nella’s shop after Mr. Amwell’s death, though partially driven by her own motivations, stands as the single form of female companionship Nella has been offered in years. Nella’s willingness to give this up, demonstrated in these chapters by the way she presses Eliza to leave the shop when the girl requests to stay on as an apprentice, underscores her awareness of her occupation’s danger. However, it also reveals that Nella believes her own isolation is essential for Eliza’s safety—at this point in the novel, despite Eliza’s hand in Mr. Amwell’s death, Nella still views her primarily as an innocent with unstained potential whose safety is contingent on their separation, a separation that will leave Nella as alone as Eliza found her. But Nella is ready to endure this. In fact, her desire to distance herself from Eliza is the one moment in the novel where she is willing to be the agent of her own loss; her mother’s death was out of her control, as was the death of her child and her loss of Frederick as a romantic partner due to his marriage to another woman. (It can be argued that Frederick’s murder, which Nella admits she had a hand in, was not as an emotionally devastating loss as his betrayal, due to the way his deception, and his alleged crime of aborting her child without her consent, deadened her affection for him.) Eliza’s departure, on the other hand, is a loss Nella actively seeks. But Eliza’s exit is not granted to Nella in this section of the book, and the girl’s presence beside Nella when Lady Clarence arrives with the request that will fundamentally alter both their lives, foreshadows how they operate as a unit in the critical events that follow.

Meanwhile, Lady Clarence’s arrival and request expand the novel’s exploration of betrayal. While Nella and Caroline’s stated experiences with their male partners have established a dynamic wherein unfaithful men betray the women in their lives, Lady Clarence’s desire for Nella to poison her husband’s mistress, rather than her husband, demands that Nella betray one of her core principles, that “no woman would suffer at [her] hands” (109). Since Nella views this principle as the single one of her mother’s tenets that she has not tainted, Lady Clarence’s request also asks her to forsake her late mother’s memory. Lady Clarence’s ability to force Nella into complying also speaks to the presence of class inequality in these events. Nella is initially (and, as it turns out, rightly) worried about selling poison to someone of Lady Clarence’s social status because she has found this crowd to be “unpredictable and unstable” (83). As soon as Nella refuses to sell Lady Clarence the poison, the woman first attempts to sway Nella with more money, then attempts to take the poison by force as something to which she feels entitled. When Nella destroys the poison, Lady Clarences pounces on Nella’s marginalized status as a lower-class poison dealer, leveraging her position as “the wife of a lord” (113) to threaten Nella into compliance. Lady Clarence’s character unearths the quiet complexity of power in this novel, highlighting the tiered stairs of privilege and confirming that the oppressed can still oppress.

Lady Clarence’s hatred for Miss Berkwell, and Caroline’s own bitterness toward her husband’s mistress, reveals how, in both societies and across centuries, the mistresses of unfaithful men often bear the brunt of blame for the affair. It is a commentary on how women are also capable of internalizing misogyny and how insidious and sweeping such a thing can be. But Nella’s experience as the “other woman” offers a sympathetic break in this blaming, as does Caroline’s realization that James is trying to shift responsibility for the affair to the other woman.

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