55 pages 1 hour read

Paolo Bacigalupi

The Windup Girl

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2009

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Chapter 49-EpilogueChapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 49 Summary

Akkarat has kept his end of the deal with Anderson as representatives from AgriGen arrive to take samples from the seedbank. Kanya detests them but does her duty and finds herself in a compromised position after Gibbons disappears. The spirit of Jaidee accompanies her as she leads the head of AgriGen, a brash, indelicate American woman by the name of Elizabeth Boudry, into the cool depths of the heart of the seedbank. Jaidee assures her that it’s more about helping the people, and that sacrifices are necessary to save the city. At chapter’s end, Kanya pulls out a gun and shoots Elizabeth Boudry.

Chapter 50 Summary

Hock Seng is with Kanya, and Elizabeth Boudry’s blood sprays him. He’s convinced that Kanya will kill him, but she tells him to go. He plans to escape with Carlyle but then thinks of Mai. His desire to help her irritates him, but he decides to get her first and then try to go off with Carlyle. During this time, monks dismantle and pack the seedbank and flee to an undisclosed location to begin life anew.