78 pages 2 hours read

Jennifer Chambliss Bertman

Book Scavenger

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2014

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Character Analysis

Emily Crane

Emily is a 12-year-old middle school student who is being dragged from one state to the next in her parents’ quest to live in each of the 50 states. She feels disoriented much of the time and can’t make a connection with anyone her age because of the chronic upheaval in her life. Emily’s only attachment is to the community on the Book Scavenger website. She loves reading, puzzles, and ciphers and has a strong competitive streak. Book Scavenger allows her to indulge all these interests and also offers her the only sense of continuity in her ever-changing world.

After Griswold is injured, Emily becomes passionately committed to finishing his new game because she fears this source of stability is about to be removed from her life as well. Winning the Poe game ends up offering Emily some life lessons as well as a monetary prize. By the end of the novel, she succeeds in forging a lasting friendship with James and is given the chance to settle down in San Francisco for years to come.

James Lee

James is an eccentric Asian American boy whose family owns the building where Emily’s family has rented an apartment. An unruly lock of hair sticks up on his head, which he named Steve.