51 pages 1 hour read

Emma Healey

Elizabeth is Missing

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2014

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Symbols & Motifs

Sukey’s Things

Sukey’s makeup, perfume, jewelry, and clothing represent Sukey herself, as well as the glamour and mystery of an older sister. Sukey’s belongings connect Maud to her missing sister and function as clues.

When Sukey kisses Maud goodbye, she leaves a lipstick mark that Douglas recognizes as the color Victory Red. When Maud notices a bottle of Sukey’s perfume, Evening in Paris, in the suitcase recovered from the Station Hotel, Maud impulsively grabs the perfume and splashes it on herself. Maud, who admires Sukey’s fashion sense, is wearing a jacket Sukey gave her from the last time Maud saw Sukey. After Sukey disappears, Frank gives Sukey’s old clothes to Maud who wears them when she meets with Frank.

After Sukey’s disappearance, Frank tells Maud that he misses “having her about the place, her bits of things” (156). When he implores Maud to tell him about Sukey’s things, Maud mentions Sukey’s perfume, Evening in Paris. Frank says, “What else does she have, Maud? What else? You remember” (156). Maud plays along, listing Sukey’s favorite belongings: “lipstick. And an old compact that matches her perfume. Silver and navy blue stripe […] earrings that look like sweets” (156).