53 pages 1 hour read

Jeannette Walls

Half Broke Horses

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2008

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Character Analysis

Lily Casey Smith

Lily is the protagonist and narrator of the book. She is a complex character who prefers to live a simple life on difficult land. She is a feisty woman who loves to learn and to teach. As a child, she was adventurous, brave, and wise beyond her years. As a wife, she is loyal, but not a pushover. Even though she was betrayed by her first husband, she learned from the experience, just as she did with every setback she faced.

Lily was a woman who was able to let life happen, but she stayed in control of her reactions. She lived through historically challenging times and she handled those like she handled challenges created by the land and weather by using her physical and mental resources to survive. She refused to allow social expectations limit the possibilities available to her and her behavior often transgressed what was considered acceptable for a woman at that time. Because of her lust for life and never-ending spirit, it is easy to love Lily and her ability to weather her changing environment. Since she is the main character in the novel, every other character revolves around her.