67 pages 2 hours read

Salman Rushdie

Midnight's Children

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1981

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Symbols & Motifs


Saleem describes the many large noses that feature in the novel. Even though he is not biologically related to his grandfather or his uncle, Saleem shares the same large nose that becomes a family heirloom. These noses symbolize the legacies passed down from one generation to another. Even though Saleem is not biologically related to his family, he is a family member, nonetheless. He shares the same nose despite his lack of blood relations to his family; being raised by his family is ultimately more important than being related to them, as this allows them to shape his character and forge his personality. That Saleem possesses his family’s nose is an important symbol of his connection to the people who raised him. It is a genetic heirloom that is shared by someone outside the gene pool of the Aadam Aziz family tree. Saleem’s nose is a symbol of the way in which family connections can be built on more than just blood.

Saleem’s nose is also the source of his magical power. The nose is large, perpetually stuffed, and also Saleem’s most powerful feature. While it may seem like a hindrance, it actually allows him to achieve the impossible.