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Michel de Montaigne

Montaigne: Selected Essays

Nonfiction | Essay Collection | Adult | Published in 1592

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Essay Topics


Frequently, Montaigne refers to the writings of ancient Greece and Rome; he believes those thinkers have plumbed the depths of understanding of the human condition. Is this correct, or have people since made further advances in understanding life and how to live it? Argue for either side.


Montaigne hates liars but admits that the self-portrait in his essays is sometimes exaggerated, perhaps out of conceit. Is he a liar, too? Explain why or why not.


Imagine that you are riding on horseback through the woods in southwestern France during the late 1500s and your party is waylaid by bandits. Recalling how Montaigne escaped a similar situation, how might you replicate his words and demeanor so as to be set free?