89 pages 2 hours read

Elena Ferrante

My Brilliant Friend

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2011

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Character Analysis

Elena Greco

The novel’s first-person narrator, Elena Greco, endeavors to write down all the details of the life she shared growing up with Lila Cerullo, despite Lila’s mission to disappear and leave no trace.

As a girl with pretty blonde curls, Elena “liked pleasing everyone.” She excels in school and is a favorite of Maestra Oliviero (44). When Lila is actually revealed to be the cleverer one, Elena decides to “model (herself) on that girl, never let her out of my sight,” a pattern that continues for the rest of her life (46).

Elena’s studious habits and deference to authority mean that she does well enough in exams to progress into middle and then high school. At the same time, her relationship with Lila helps her develop an independence of mind and writing style that enables her to stand out as a student. When, following a conversation with Lila, she makes a remark that her high school religion teacher considers blasphemous, Elena uses her developed negotiating skills to turn the argument into an article, regain credibility with the religion teacher and his colleagues, and avoid punishment.

Lila says that the difference between her and Elena is that she is “good at making yourself liked,” whereas everyone is afraid of Lila (294).