69 pages 2 hours read


Nothing But The Truth

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1991

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Teacher Introduction

Nothing But the Truth by Avi

  • Genre: Middle grade fiction; documentary novel; realistic fiction
  • Originally Published: 1991
  • Reading Level/Interest: Middle grade (ages 10 and up)
  • Structure/Length: Documentary novel, presented in the form of documents, letters, memos, and dialogues; approximately 208 pages; approximately 3 hours and 12 minutes on audio
  • Protagonist/Central Conflict: Nothing But the Truth is a documentary novel by Avi. The central conflict revolves around a misunderstanding and the consequences of one student’s actions. When ninth-grader Philip Malloy hums along to the national anthem during school assembly, he is asked to leave the room, leading to a series of events that result in a national controversy. The novel explores themes of freedom of speech, truth, patriotism, and the power of miscommunication. Avi’s storytelling is known for its unique format and exploration of contemporary social issues.
  • Potential Sensitivity Issues: Themes related to freedom of speech, misunderstandings, and conflict

Avi, Author

  • Bio: American author known for his contributions to middle grade and young adult literature; often tackles complex themes and situations faced by young characters in a changing world
  • Other Works: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle (1990); Poppy (1995); The Cross of Lead (2002)
  • Awards: Newbery Honor (1992)

CENTRAL THEMES connected and noted throughout this Teaching Guide:

  • Truth Versus Perception
  • The Meaning of Patriotism
  • The Purpose of Education