48 pages 1 hour read

Kelly Loy Gilbert

Picture Us in the Light

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2018

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The Power of Familial Love

Kelly Loy Gilbert’s Picture Us in the Light articulates how familial love is often stronger than individual desire. The plot revolves around the Cheng family and the many sacrifices Danny’s parents have made to make his life one of opportunities. Danny’s parents left their daughter Joy behind in China to create a new life for her in America. Though it was painful to be separated from her, Danny’s parents did this so she could arrive in America in a stable environment. This decision ultimately cost them their daughter, as Joy and Danny’s grandfather’s sudden death led to her kidnapping, sale to an orphanage, and adoption by the Ballards. Though Danny’s parents were able to locate her after many years, they had to let her go because she was raised by the Ballards and recognizes them as her family—not the strangers who are her biological parents. When Danny’s father turned Joy away from his place of work, he did so not out of spite or lack of care, but because he cares too much. He didn’t want to confuse or endanger Joy, as both parents are charged with assault and without their green cards. This sacrifice is an enormous burden on Danny’s father, but selflessness is part of his nature as a father.