98 pages 3 hours read

Eden Robinson

Son of a Trickster

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2017

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Character Analysis

Jared Martin

Jared Martin is the 16-year-old protagonist of the novel who lives in Kitimat, a town in northern British Columbia, with his mother, Maggie. His maternal grandmother, Granny Nita, was certain that Jared was “not human” but the Trickster spirit “wearing a human face” (2). Maggie vehemently denied this, and the last time they spoke to her was when they left Bella Bella more than a decade ago. Jared’s paternal grandmother, Nana Sophia, also had her doubts about Jared’s birth, but she requested a secret paternity test that confirmed he is in fact Maggie and Phil’s child; Jared is part ‘Namgis, part Heiltsuk—two Indigenous First Nations of British Columbia.  

Jared’s home life deteriorates when Phil injures his back at work, leading to an opioid addiction, a divorce, and a new marriage. Jared endures Maggie’s own alcohol and drug addictions, explosive outbursts, and string of violent boyfriends, one of whom physically abuses Jared. Jared himself turns to alcohol and marijuana to cope, and the narration of the novel is often severed by his frequent blackouts. He has a big mouth that gets him into trouble, but despite his turbulent upbringing and unpredictable environment, he is empathetic and compassionate, often feeling more responsibility towards his parents than they do for him.