62 pages 2 hours read

Buzz Williams

Spare Parts

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Adult | Published in 2004

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Key Figures

Buzz Williams

Williams is the author and main character of the book, which follows his journey not just from a college student to a combat veteran, as the subtitle states, but from a young child seeing his brother graduate the Marine Corps, to a high school principal who has dedicated his life to teaching young men and women.

Williams’s character is defined by conflict. His life is in constant conflict, from the time he realizes his big brother is a stranger, to his brother’s death, to his life in the Marine Corps, which includes live combat. Even after the war, he experiences conflict in the form of anxiety, nightmares, and the feeling of powerlessness.

Another defining aspect of his life is teaching. Even as a young Marine, Williams begins teaching others. He is constantly worried about the efficacy of the training programs and standard protocol, and constantly trying to better them, leading to numerous awards and promotions. His reserve company even creates a new position for him.

The Marine Corps also defines Williams’s life. After Lenny’s death, the Marine Corps becomes his surrogate family. His memoir, while occasionally calling out the racism, anger, and incompetence of the Marine Corps, is more a tribute to the men he served with than a criticism of the Corps.