84 pages 2 hours read

Walter Dean Myers

Sunrise Over Fallujah

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2008

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Chapters 13-16Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary

With the help of Jerry Egri, a soldier assigned to Birdy’s unit, the squads learn how to play soccer and are able have a rematch with the kids from the village whose water pumps had been damaged earlier. Though Jerry teaches the soldiers how to play soccer, the soldiers still lose to the Iraqi kids. As it turns out, not only has the game been leaked so that officers, photographers, and others are there to watch the game, Iraqi teenagers from other villages have come to join the soccer match to play against the Americans.

The 422nd has been taking over most of the operations, so Birdy’s unit hasn’t had to do much work. They’ve all been content staying inside the Green Zone. The rules of engagement are still shaky, with soldiers dying every day still from the IEDs and ambush attacks. While enjoying the time off, Birdy’s unit learns that they have to escort a group of Iraqi police to a dangerous zone with frequent ambushes. The mission is mostly for PR purposes. The army wants to show that the Iraqis are taking over more and more of the responsibilities.

Though the program with the Iraqi police goes of smoothly, when the squads are returning to the Green Zone, they spot a roadblock.