102 pages 3 hours read

Lois Lowry

The Giver

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1993

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Symbols & Motifs

The River

The river on the edge of the community is a symbol of boundaries and danger. A young boy named Caleb drowned in the river, despite the community’s many efforts to keep children safe. The Giver also tells Jonas to stay away from the river so there’s no chance that he’ll disappear into it, thereby unleashing the world’s memories onto the rest of the community, a fate he fears they cannot handle. Asher also tells a story of a boy who “jumped into the river, swam across, and joined the next community he came to” (47)because he was so unhappy with the job assignment he received in their own community. He points out that this boy never returned, which makes the river seem ominous. It is a bridge to Elsewhere, and Elsewhere is filled with the unknown, something that causes the community anxiety.

Pale Eyes

Only a few people in the community have pale eyes: Jonas, Gabriel, the Giver, Rosemary, and a little girl who is a Six. Jonas’s sister comments how unusual this feature is by calling it “funny” (20)and noting that Jonas and Gabriel share it.