83 pages 2 hours read

Ridley Pearson

The Kingdom Keepers: Disney After Dark

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2005

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The Magic of Belief

Disney magic is a significant force in the story. Because millions of kids believe in that magic, it comes to life in the form of fictional characters developed by Disney artists. To defend against the bad ones, the DHI kids must use the magic of belief to create their own supernatural powers that can protect the park and the world beyond.

Walt Disney knew his creations might come to life. Wayne says, “If you believe strongly enough, anything can happen” (71). Walt prepared for this with clues and items—a pen and park plans—that, when the day arrived, would be findable by the right people.

Disney Imagineers invent a holographic system that records the DHIs’ performances and displays them throughout the park to entertain visitors. This system also affects the kids, who nightly go to sleep and wake up in the park as holograms themselves. In this form, they can see the evil Disney characters perform mischief, and they can fight back.

As a nighttime hologram, Finn discovers that by focusing his thoughts, he can either move through objects or interact with them as if he’s in his normal body.