31 pages 1 hour read

Alejo Carpentier

The Kingdom Of This World

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1949

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Catholicism Versus Voodoo

Ti Noël, Macandal, and other black characters in the text see a clear opposition between their gods and the Christian God. They believe that the slavers are giving away their power by confessing their sins, and they poke fun at a religion in which men do not commune directly with their gods. In addition, based on the actions of the slavers, they believe that the Christian God demands their slavery and suffering.

They have grown up with tales of loa, who intervene directly in human affairs, and they call on them to intervene in everyday events. In addition, they believe this relationship grants them supernatural powers, including the power to spread poison and the power to become animals. They see evidence of their beliefs everywhere in nature, including in animals they believe are gods (or men) in disguise.

When Henri Christophe becomes king, he adopts colonial Catholicism. His Haiti has black priests and archbishops, and Christophe continues the Christian tradition of confession (even though he ultimately kills his confessor). This religion is imposed on the people, and Christophe himself believes this is one of the reasons why they ultimately revolt. Before his death, he comes to see the Christian God as a betrayer.

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By Alejo Carpentier