66 pages 2 hours read

Stephen King

The Mist

Fiction | Novella | Adult | Published in 1980

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Answer Key

Page numbers for this teaching unit are from the Scribner Kindle eBook.

Reading Check

1. The Arrowhead Project (Chapter 2)

2. Brent thinks David is playing a joke or having a delusion. (Chapter 5)

3. By tapping the glass (Chapter 7)

4. The soldiers hanged themselves. (Chapter 8)

5. A tennis racket (Chapter 9)

6. The monsters hunt by smell. (Chapter 9)

7. Mrs. Carmody wants to sacrifice Billy. (Chapter 10)

8. David is at a Howard Johnson’s motel. (Chapter 11)

Short Answer

1. The phones are cut off. (Chapter 2)

2. She wants to get back to her children. (Chapter 3)

3. The soldiers know something about Project Arrowhead that makes them think there is no hope of escape or survival. (Chapter 8)

4. Mr. Carmody believes the end of the world has come and that anyone who goes outside will die, especially “unbelievers.” (Chapter 9)