61 pages 2 hours read

Stephenie Meyer


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2005

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Chapters 10-17Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 10 Summary: “Interrogations”

Edward drives Bella to school. Jessica meets them with Bella’s jacket; she’s itching for Bella to tell all and hints she’ll grill her in trig class. Bella asks Edward what to tell her; Edward thinks it’s best simply to say they’re dating.

In trig, Jessica needles Bella about Edward; Bella says Edward’s visit to Port Angeles was a surprise, that he’ll take her to Seattle on the weekend, and that, no, they haven’t kissed yet. Knowing that Edward will read Jessica’s mind, she adds that she’s not sure how much he likes her and that there’s more to him than just a pretty face.

At lunch, Bella sits with Edward; she feels students’ eyes on them, including the other Cullens. Edward objects to Bella’s belief that he doesn’t care about her very much. Bella insists she’s ordinary and he’s exceptional; Edward retorts that, on her first day at Forks High, all the boys had yearning thoughts about her.

Bella asks about his hunting. Edward says Emmet likes to hunt grizzlies, and he prefers mountain lions. They don’t hunt with standard weapons but with bare hands and teeth. They’re careful not to over-hunt in regions with sparse animal populations.