23 pages 46 minutes read

Gayle Forman

Where She Went

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2011

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The Hollowness of Fame

At their core, fame and celebrity are simply an increased awareness of one’s existence. They imply nothing about a person’s worth. Rather, the bestowal of celebrity status can reinforce person’s treatment as if they’re worth more than they are, simply because they are recognizable to many. Adam lives a rock star life style and is poorer for it. There is no amount of women, drugs, crowds, booze, or adoration that will make him as happy as simply being himself. But once he is famous, the expectations of his fan blur the lines of his own identity, and he begins playing a role to fit what is expected of him. Fame becomes a straitjacket, not a reward.


Closure is the resolution of emotional pain. For three years, Adam and Mia are unable to heal their deepest wounds. He cannot cope with her abandonment, while she struggles to live with the fact that she wishes she had died with her family. Because they each have unresolved hurts, they can’t make as much meaningful progress in their lives as they would be able to if they didn’t have to devote any thoughts to their pain. Closure between two people can only happen when they reach for each other.