84 pages 2 hours read

N. D. Wilson

100 Cupboards

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2007

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Character Analysis


Henry York is a 12-year-old boy whose parents have disappeared in a kidnapping. While staying at his aunt and uncle’s house in Kansas, Henry discovers dozens of cupboard doors hidden in the wall in his room. Bright but shy, Henry finds that his new life in Kansas demands much more of his courage and imagination than his old life in Boston, and he rises to the challenge.

100 Cupboards shares some of the plot elements of the Harry Potter books: An orphan boy discovers a world of wonders, learns of his magical heritage, joins with other children to learn more, and confronts the dangers of dark magic. In this sense, Nimiane is a similar antagonist to Voldemort, while Frank, also from the magical realm, takes on a fatherly Dumbledore role, and his cousins, especially Henrietta, are supportive friends like Ron and Hermione. As the protagonist, Henry, of course, is similar to Harry; Henry’s name is even like that of the Potter hero.

Wilson is not copying Rowling, just as Rowling was not necessarily copying Eva Ibbotson (who published a similar novel years prior to the first Harry Potter book). Rather, they are both following a familiar literary storyline.