
48 pages 1 hour read

Sue Grafton

A Is For Alibi

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1982

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Authorial Context: Sue Grafton and Feminism

Understanding the background and journey of Sue Grafton is important in gaining a fuller understanding of A is for Alibi and the entire Alphabet Mysteries series. Grafton, before venturing into the world of fiction, had a prosperous career as a television scriptwriter. Her personal experiences significantly shaped the portrayal of Alphabet Mysteries protagonist Kinsey Millhone, who embodies independence, determination, and resilience. Grafton’s early life in a family with parents involved in the writing and legal professions provided a suitable backdrop for creating a detective-fiction series grounded in real-life nuances. Millhone’s persona mirrors Grafton’s own perspective on the feminist movements of the 1970s and 1980s, illustrating a woman forging her path in a male-dominated society. The Alphabet Mysteries series stands as a testament to Grafton’s growing literary skills, marking the start of an extensive series in which her nuanced understanding of human nature and the criminal justice system came to the fore. In essence, the novel not only marks the inception of a longstanding detective series but also serves as a deep-seated reflection of Grafton’s own experiences and perspectives, providing an authentic narrative grounded in the realities of the time.

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