111 pages 3 hours read

Robin Roe

A List of Cages

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2017

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Answer Key

Chapters 1-12

Reading Check

1. His teachers and classmates ostracize him. His principal is mad he is late, his teacher is angry she must change his attendance mark, and Kristin, his classmate, rejects him when he is asked to join a group. (Chapter 1)

2. His deceased parents’ belongings (Chapter 1)

3. Adam is Julian’s former foster brother. (Chapter 2)

4. Adam’s family didn’t want him, so he was removed from their care. (Chapter 6)

5. Adam has been asked to escort Julian to Dr. Whitlock’s office. (Chapter 8)

6. A switch (Chapter 9)

7. At his secret place in the attic of the theatre (Chapter 12)

Short Answer

1.  He is afraid the pathway from his brain to his mouth is damaged, he believes Russell will kick him out if he doesn’t go to classes, and he worries about his clothing. There are some possible justifications for Julian’s fears because Russell tells Julian he is not smart and that his classmates do not want to work with him, and Russell is cruel and abrasive. (Various Chapters)

2. Adam describes Julian as formerly being naturally cheerful, always singing and making jokes.