
34 pages 1 hour read

Robert Frost

After Apple-Picking

Fiction | Poem | Adult | Published in 1914

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Literary Device Answers

1. A. Enjambment is the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line. When reading Lines 4-5, the reader is meant to continue without pause from “two or three / Apples I didn’t […].”

2. B. Frost’s poem is frequently interpreted as an old man reflecting on his life as he faces death. When paired with other context clues (see Lines 6, 13, 38-42), this is a plausible interpretation.

3. B. Every apple picked is an opportunity taken, and every apple not picked is an opportunity not taken. This idea is supported in Lines 5-6 and 30-36.

4. C. The tone of the poem is both anxious, as seen in the farmer’s diction in Lines 3-5, 9-13, and 27-31, and contemplative, as seen in Lines 9-17 and 37-42.

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