
62 pages 2 hours read

Al Gore

An Inconvenient Truth

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2006

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Essay Topics


An Inconvenient Truth is meant to be a persuasive argument about the effects of climate change. Does Gore’s evidence convince you? If so, what was it about the work that made you look at global warming differently? If not, what could he have done to change your mind? Are you inspired to make changes to your life because of it? 


Does the structure of this book help make it more accessible and interesting for readers who may not understand the concepts? How does Gore’s use of imagery, maps, charts, quotations, and other techniques assist the text in painting a complete picture of the problem? Did you find his personal anecdotes to be helpful?


Today, we have additional information about climate change and the way it continues to affect the world. What has changed since 2006, when An Inconvenient Truth was published, in the realms of science and politics, that affect how global warming is now viewed in society?

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