
62 pages 2 hours read

Al Gore

An Inconvenient Truth

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2006

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Paired Texts & Other Resources

Use these links to supplement and complement students’ reading of the work and to increase their overall enjoyment of literature. Challenge them to discern parallel themes, engage through visual and aural stimuli, and delve deeper into the thematic possibilities presented by the title.

Recommended Texts for Pairing

An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power

  • The 2017 sequel to An Inconvenient Truth, also by Al Gore, focuses on the next ten years of the fight against climate change.
  • This book adopts a format similar to that of the earlier one and also includes a guide for taking action at the community level.

Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis

  • A 2008 book by Gore with a particular focus on providing a call to action
  • Relates to the theme of The Opportunity and Danger

Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn't Want You to Know

  • A 2017 book by Gregory Whitestone that challenges Gore’s arguments
  • Relates to the theme of The Reality

Other Student Resources

An Inconvenient Truth

  • This 2006 Oscar-winning documentary, released at the same time as the book, focuses on Gore’s public presentations on climate change.
  • In acknowledgment of his efforts (depicted in the documentary) to bring greater attention to climate change, Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize.
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