
83 pages 2 hours read

Nora Raleigh Baskin

Anything But Typical

Nora Raleigh BaskinFiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2009

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Character Analysis

Jason Blake

Jason, diagnosed with autism in third grade, is now a sixth grader, attending public school without a one-to-one aide for the first time. Jason has a younger brother and two loving parents. Having autism makes it difficult for Jason to accomplish everyday tasks: He struggles to fit in with his peers, especially when he loses his temper, his patience, or control of his body.

Jason finds solace in his writing. Through writing stories and sharing them through an online discussion site called Storyboard, Jason can convey his intellect, heart, and opinions in a way that is just not possible for him to do verbally. His writing demonstrates his close observation of the people around him and paints a poignant gulf between the things he understands but cannot outwardly express. As readers, we get a sense of who he truly is: a kind, compassionate, intelligent young man.    

Aaron Miller

Aaron and Jason have been friends since kindergarten. Now, Aaron is Jason’s only friend at school, consistently sticking up for Jason when other kids pick on him, and maintaining the relationship as best as he can. Aaron always makes a place for Jason at his lunch table, listens to Jason’s stories, and defends him from mean students.

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