
71 pages 2 hours read

Joseph Kesselring

Arsenic and Old Lace

Fiction | Play | Adult | Published in 1941

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. A (Various Acts)

2. D (Various Acts)

3. A (Various Acts)

4. A (Various Acts)

5. D (Various Acts)

6. C (Various Acts)

7. B (Act I)

8. C (Various Acts)

9. A (Various Acts)

10. B (Various Acts)

11. D (Various Acts)

12. C (Various Acts)

13. D (Various Acts)

14. B (Various Acts)

15. D (Various Acts)

Long Answer

1. Mortimer takes steps to ensure his aunts are not held responsible for the murders they committed even though he does not condone their actions. Mortimer’s protectiveness of his aunts stems from the affection he feels for the ladies despite the fear that he has inherited the genetic condition from which he believes they suffer. (Various Acts)

2. When Jonathan learns his aunts have buried 12 bodies in the cellar, he tells them he will kill another victim because their body count is tied. This reveals that Jonathan has evil intentions in his killing and a competitive nature in relation to his crimes. (Various Acts)

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