
67 pages 2 hours read

Watt Key

Deep Water

Watt KeyFiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2018

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Symbols & Motifs


Key uses finances as a motif in the novel that helps Julie and Shane find common ground and connects to the theme of Family Relationships. Julie and Shane come from families with opposite financial statuses. Julie’s father struggles to maintain the dive shop and bring in money from charter trips, partly because of his obsession with the Malzon tanks. This acts as the catalyst for the lucrative, last-minute dive with the Jordans. As a prominent attorney, Mr. Jordan is wealthy and unafraid to flaunt it. Shane wears expensive brand name clothing, Mr. Jordan carries all-new diving equipment, and he does not mind spending $2,000 for a 20-minute dive. Because Julie’s father needs money, he is willing to overlook the Jordans’ argumentative behavior and unsafe habits in favor of a big payoff. He and Julie are also more lenient about diving conditions that do not feel right, such as her father’s illness and the strong current. From the novel’s beginning, money clouds people’s judgment and highlights the poor relationship between Shane and his father.

For Julie’s mom, money is not a huge worry as she has a steady salary as an attorney in Atlanta. However, Julie notes that her mom made sacrifices for this financial stability: blurred text
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