
43 pages 1 hour read



Fiction | Play | Adult | Published in 1485

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Teacher Introduction


  • Genre: Fiction; morality play
  • Originally Published: c. 1485 (earliest known English edition)
  • Reading Level/Interest: Grades 11-12; college/adult
  • Structure/Length: One act; approx. 52 pages; approx. 57 minutes of running time
  • Protagonist/Central Conflict: The play follows Everyman, an allegorical representation of mankind. He is summoned by Death to give an account of his life to God. On this journey, Everyman seeks companionship and help from friends, family, and virtues, but finds that most abandon him. The central conflict explores the themes of mortality, judgment, and redemption.
  • Potential Sensitivity Issues: Contains religious themes and depictions of mortality and the idea of inevitable death; allegorical characters might be difficult for younger readers to grasp.

Anonymous, Author

  • Bio: Everyman is a morality play, a genre popular in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries. Its authorship remains anonymous, as with many plays of its time. These plays were often written by clergymen or scholars and were designed to teach Christian morals and doctrine. The anonymity was often intended to ensure that the message, rather than the messenger, was the focus.

CENTRAL THEMES connected and noted throughout this Teaching Guide:

  • Death and Reckoning
  • Sin and Repentance
  • The Earthly Versus the Eternal

STUDY OBJECTIVES: In accomplishing the components of this Teaching Guide, students will:

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