72 pages 2 hours read

David Yoon

Frankly in Love

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2019

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Character Analysis

Frank Li

Frank Li is the protagonist and narrator of Frankly in Love. Throughout the novel, Frank grapples with various aspects of his identity and undergoes significant growth. One of his defining characteristics is his struggle with the dual identity of “Korean American”—in other words, learning what this identity means to him and others. This struggle leads him to search for a balance between his Korean heritage and American upbringing. As the novel progresses, Frank begins to take steps to reconnect with and embrace his roots, such as going by both his English and Korean name: Frank Sung-Mi.

Family plays a crucial role in Frank’s life and development. He has a close but complex relationship with his parents, who are traditional and adhere to cultural expectations regarding success. He initially struggles with the pressure to conform to his parents’ expectations (compounded by their rejection of his older sister Hanna), particularly when it comes to romantic relationships (as Hanna married a non-Korean man). However, as Frank witnesses his parents’ vulnerabilities, such as his father’s cancer diagnosis, he begins to see them as individuals with their own dreams and limitations.

Friendship is another important aspect of Frank’s life. He has a deep bond with his best friend, Q, who provides him with support, laughter, and a sense of belonging.