89 pages 2 hours read

Monica Hesse

Girl in the Blue Coat

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2016

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Transformations During Wartime

At the beginning of the text, Hanneke has a strong sense that she is “not the same girl” that she was before the German occupation of Amsterdam. She has lost not just her boyfriend and her best friend, but also her sense of optimism and idealism. Where she was once a model student and daughter, she now trades in black-market goods and hides the truth from her parents. While she once would’ve immediately chosen to look for Mirjam, she has sincere doubts that it’s worth putting herself at risk. “Survival first, survival only” becomes her motto until she is able to connect with a sense of urgency and community that helps her rediscover her commitment to the greater good.

Other characters transform as well: in particular, the young Jewish characters of the book, Judith and Mina, must act with incredible bravery. In addition, rich and rude characters like Mrs. de Vries take risks that seem out-of-character in order to resist the occupation and the persecution of Dutch Jews. 

It is not just people who transform, but also their homes and their city. Families convert rooms and build false walls in order to hide their friends and neighbors. In addition, spaces like the stately Hollandsche Schouwburg Theater become scenes of despair and abjection.

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By Monica Hesse