
48 pages 1 hour read

Sharon Creech

Granny Torrelli Makes Soup

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2003

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Essay Topics


Granny Torrelli and Rosie spend much of their time in the novel making traditional Italian food. How are Granny Torrelli’s meals a representation of The Power of Storytelling? Consider all the things that food does for our bodies and all the work entailed in preparing meals. How do stories function in similar ways for our minds?


Blindness relates to either complete or partial loss of vision. Why do you think the author chose to make Bailey have blindness in the novel? Metaphorically, how does sight relate to empathy?


Consider how the novel juxtaposes Rosie’s memories with Granny Torrelli’s stories. What is the difference in a memory and a story? At what point does a memory become a story? Think about the power of storytelling as you discuss.

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