
104 pages 3 hours read

Alan Gratz


Alan GratzFiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2018

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Chapters 40-45Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2, Chapter 41 Summary: “Naked”

Hideki suggests that the way to safely approach the US camp is to surrender. He suggests that they take their clothes off, and approach naked or in underwear, to appear as harmless as possible.

Hideki leaves his last grenade on the ground next to the Japanese uniform and helmet. He puts the water-proof pouch of photographs in his underwear.

Part 2, Chapter 42 Summary: “Surrender”

Hideki feels vulnerable and defenseless, and hopes that the Americans will also perceive him this way. A large bear-like man missing an ear tells him in broken Japanese not to move and to raise his hands. Hideki does so and instructs the other children to do the same. Hideki implores the American soldiers not to shoot, but one of them shoots Kazuo, a little boy, in the arm.

Part 2, Chapter 43 Summary: “Rise Up”

Hideki waits to die in a shower of bullets, but they do not come. Instead, the bear-man is yelling at the young soldier who fired his gun. Hideki stands up and stares at the bear-man, who lowers his rifle and allows them to pass. Hideki picks up Kazuo. He instructs the other children to walk slowly with their eyes down.

Hideki collapses, sobbing, once they pass the American line.

Suddenly, the Japanese army arrives.

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