88 pages 2 hours read

Alan Gratz

Ground Zero

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2021

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

Essay Questions

Use these essay questions as writing and critical thinking exercises for all levels of writers, and to build their literary analysis skills by requiring textual references throughout the essay.

Differentiation Suggestion: For English learners or struggling writers, strategies that work well include graphic organizers, sentence frames or starters, group work, or oral responses.

Scaffolded Essay Questions

Student Prompt: Write a short (1-3 paragraph) response using one of the bulleted outlines below. Cite details from the text over the course of your response that serve as examples and support.

1. Compare and contrast 9-year-old Brandon and 11-year-old Reshmina.

  • Do these two characters share more similarities, or differences? (topic sentence)
  • Identify 2-3 examples from the book to support your argument.
  • How does The Power of a Single Day change the trajectories of these characters’ futures?

2. Consider the term Pashtunwali from the novel.

  • How is the concept of Pashtunwali important for the characters? (topic sentence)
  • Select one character and describe how this person incorporates Pashtunwali in their decision-making process.
  • How does this character rationalize Pashtunwali when it comes to Refuge Over Revenge?

3. Brandon and Reshmina face dangerous and difficult situations, yet they both persevere.

  • Why do you think both of these characters are able to survive? (topic sentence)
  • Find 2-3 examples from the novel where they use strength to overcome a difficult situation.