92 pages 3 hours read

Katherine Applegate

Home of the Brave

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2007

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Part 4-EpilogueChapter Summaries & Analyses

Poem 65 Summary: “Herding”

That Saturday, Kek, Ganwar, and Hannah head to the farm. Lou is waiting for them and she has misgivings about letting them travel; her trailer hitch is too rusted out to use. Ganwar assures her things will be fine, and Lou gives Gol a kiss and bids her goodbye. Then, Kek takes Gol by the halter and leads her away and down the road. The cow is nervous around the fast, noisy traffic, and at one point, she refuses to move further. Kek gently talks to her until Gol begins to move again.

Poem 66 Summary: “Traffic Jam”

The group’s first major challenge is crossing a six-lane highway, a process that becomes more complicated when Gol decides that the grass and flowers in the median need to be eaten. They finally get Gol moving across the next three lanes, but the light has changed and traffic is coming. Frightened, Gol stops moving and brings traffic to a grinding halt.

Poem 67 Summary: “Cops”

As traffic continues to back up, the group is subjected to the yells of the drivers stuck around them. The police show up, but even they cannot get their car through to the cow.