
69 pages 2 hours read

Walter Dean Myers


Fiction | Book | Middle Grade | Published in 1981

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  • Genre: Fiction; young adult sports/realistic
  • Originally Published: 1981
  • Reading Level/Interest: Lexile 740L; grades 7-9
  • Structure/Length: 9 chapters; approx. 224 pages
  • Protagonist and Central Conflict: Seventeen-year-old Lonnie Jackson has a reputation for athletic prowess on the basketball court and dreams of major success. His stardom and future are on the line, though, when his coach Cal receives a tempting offer to throw the city’s Tournament of Champions by benching Lonnie.
  • Potential Sensitivity Issues: Profanity; protagonist drinks and smokes; sexual content; physical assault; murder; gang activity; firearms

Walter Dean Myers, Author

  • Bio: 1937-2014; born in in West Virginia; raised in Harlem; struggled in school but enjoyed reading and writing; joined the army after quitting high school; began writing inspired by his own experiences; writer of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for young readers; won five Coretta Scott King Awards and two Newbery Honors; first writer to be awarded the Michael L. Printz Award (for Monster, 1999); received the ALA Margaret A. Edwards Award (1994), a lifetime achievement honor for YA literature; served as the Library of Congress’s National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature; prolific writer of over 110 works
  • Other Works: The Outside Shot (1984); Motown and Didi (1984); Amistad: A Long Road to Freedom (1997); Harlem Summer (2007)
  • Awards: ALA Best Book for Young Adults (1981); Edgar Allan Poe Award Nominee (1981)

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