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In the opening pages of Journey to the End of the Night, the young Ferdinand Bardamu enthusiastically follows a military parade through the streets of Paris. Just a few pages later, he is horrified and exhausted by the war. This quick transition from youthful patriot to jaded cynic sets the tone for Bardamu’s story and, in particular, for his narrative style. Over the course of the novel, Bardamu will take on many different roles and identities. He is a soldier, a doctor, a theater hand, a factory worker, and a colonialist.
Though his journey takes him across oceans and continents, though he plays many different roles in society, there is a permanent sense of pessimism, cynicism, and nihilism. The experience in the military is formative for Bardamu; he never again seizes upon anything with as much energy or enthusiasm as he did when he first followed that parade. In this way, Bardamu’s nihilism is the dominant feature of his character and his narration, the constant throughline that follows him everywhere. The nihilism is shaped by the war in ways that Bardamu never truly comprehends. In World War I, he spends most of his time trying to stay alive. He sees friends, comrades, and officers violently killed in front of him. He describes their deaths in meticulous, bloody detail. These traumatic experiences rob Bardamu of his optimism and send him on a journey toward nihilism. Bardamu reflects the unexamined trauma of a society driven to nihilism by the seemingly pointless, wholesale violence of World War I.
The title of the novel reflects Bardamu’s understanding of his story as a journey. This narrative framing attempts to impose structure on chaos and random chance. Bardamu bounces between countries, jobs, and identities with very little planning. Wherever he goes, he wants to be somewhere else. By thinking about this haphazard procession through life as a journey, however, Bardamu is able to console himself. There is a greater meaning to the nature of his constant forward momentum, but it is not one that Bardamu is happy to entertain. The trauma of his experiences in the war—exacerbated by his financial and social struggles on returning to society—remains unexamined. He does not want to think about the violence of his past, so he moves relentlessly forward, into the symbolic night, as a way to avoid thinking about what has happened to him. Constant momentum is a coping mechanism, while the vague structure of a journey allows Bardamu to assure himself that there is some form of destination in his mind. The journey is not necessarily a physical one. Though Bardamu travels far and wide, he returns to his hometown, even though he does not feel at home in Paris. Bardamu’s journey is psychological, a physical manifestation of his desperate desire not to examine his trauma too closely. As a narrator, as a nihilist, and as a member of society, Bardamu wants his journey to take him further away from himself. He cannot do this, however. Wherever he goes, he finds himself already there.
The death of Robinson brings a symbolic end to Bardamu’s journey into the night. In Robinson, Bardamu had an accomplice. From their first meeting, when they both tried to desert from the army, they were bound together by their shared desires. As Robinson descends deeper into criminality, ultimately murdering an old woman, Bardamu refuses to judge Robinson. To judge Robinson would be to judge himself. When Robinson is killed, then, Bardamu must reckon with his own mortality. For the first time, he cannot outrun or ignore himself. Fittingly, this self-reflection takes place at dawn. As he drinks in the bar, as the ships are summoned home, and as the sun rises, Bardamu reaches the end of his emotional and physical journey. The journey ends with Bardamu alone and still, examining himself and—for the first time—wondering whether he might be able to change.
Bardamu presents Robinson as a fellow traveler on the journey into the night. Their first meeting establishes their similarities: Amid the chaos and violence of World War I, they find each other in the night and embark on a shared journey to have themselves captured by the enemy. Together, they reject the expectations of patriotism and duty. Together, they act against what is expected of them. Together, they fail miserably and are forced back to their posts. When Bardamu does finally get medically dismissed from the military, he decides to escape from his duties by traveling to the French colonies in Africa. Robinson is already a step ahead of him, motivated by the same desires. Robinson is in the process of abandoning his post, as Bardamu does a short time later. Their shared experiences drive them to the same conclusions, so much so that Bardamu soon expects to see Robinson everywhere he goes. Their fates are bound together because they are so similar. When Robinson appears in America or in Paris, he is seemingly inevitable. To Bardamu, he is an external manifestation of the symbolic journey into the night.
Notably, however, Robinson is always a step ahead of Bardamu in this journey. Robinson is the first to suggest that they desert the army. He is already at the trading post—and already in the process of running away—when Bardamu arrives. Back in Paris, Bardamu tries to follow his original plan to become a doctor, but Robinson embarks on a much more harebrained scheme. He rejects any kind of morality, deciding that the best way to secure a pension is to blow up an old woman. Bardamu is an immoral man, but he does not countenance murder at any time. As such, Robinson gradually begins to move further ahead of Bardamu in the journey. They remain bound together, largely because Bardamu is one of the few people who is sympathetic to Robinson. No matter what crimes Robinson may be planning, Bardamu understands his companion. Their friendship—to the extent that it can be labeled a friendship—is built on this mutual rejection of conventional morality. The journey itself is an attempt to escape trauma, rejecting morality and social expectations in favor of survival at any cost. Bardamu alone understands Robinson’s hedonism and amorality, allowing Robinson to indulge himself even further. For Bardamu, Robinson’s journey functions as a cautionary tale, helping Bardamu to understand what might happen to him if he pursues the same path. Robison fails and then succeeds in killing Grandma Henrouille, taking the life of an innocent older woman because she annoyed him and because he wanted to take over her business. This act dooms Robinson. He not only crosses a moral threshold that Bardamu never crosses, but he also sets in place the forces that will lead to his ultimate demise.
In killing Grandma Henrouille, Robinson binds himself to Madelon. She is no longer just another woman who has been forced to endure his lies; she is now a co-conspirator in murder, who possesses the legal power to have Robinson thrown in prison. This threat of legal mutually assured destruction hangs over Robinson. He runs away from Madelon, just as he and Bardamu have run away from everything else.
For once, Robinson cannot outrun Madelon. She loves him, she says, and she is bound to him. Bardamu cannot help Robinson. He can only watch as Robinson tries and fails to squirm his way out of his relationship with Madelon. The more he tries, the deeper he becomes embroiled in her clutches. She will not let him go, and his attempts to drive her away only infuriate her. Madelon kills Robinson, a suitably symbolic and definitive end to Robinson’s journey into the nihilistic night. Her action is a consequence of Robinson’s lies, forcing him to deal with the effect of his own actions. He cannot run away from, lie to, or ignore Madelon. She is his reckoning, and in this way, she is analogous to the Furies—goddesses of vengeance who pursue transgressors in Greek mythology. Robinson’s death is the end of Bardamu’s own journey. Robinson, always one step ahead of Bardamu, provides a worrying example of what might happen if Bardamu does not change his ways. As such, Robinson’s legacy is to provide an example of how not to live.
Grandma Henrouille is an elderly woman who goes on a journey of her own. When she is first introduced to Bardamu, she is deemed a shut-in. In a physical sense, she is suffering from the same isolation and alienation that Bardamu himself feels. She is severed from her community and cut off from social interaction. Bardamu sympathizes with the old woman, especially when he learns that her son and daughter-in-law want him to have her committed to a mental health facility. They are not concerned about her health or wellbeing; they simply want to collect her pension and alleviate their workload. They are acting purely out of self-interest. Bardamu, someone who feels alienated from conventional morality, is faced with a choice. He can get paid by doing as he is asked but, in doing so, he will be condemning this elderly woman to even greater alienation. Even though he is desperate for money, Bardamu refuses to do as he is asked.
Bardamu’s decision not to declare Grandma Henrouille senile provides her with a new lease on life. Having learned what her son and her daughter-in-law had planned, she ventures out of her home. At first, she goes out to challenge people like Bardamu and reprimand them for any thoughts that they might have harbored against her. Once out, however, she is filled with a renewed desire to live. She becomes much more sociable, reviving her desire for life. Bardamu is impressed and envious. Not only does he admire the way in which she has overcome the alienation that was imposed on her, but he also admires her motivation. Grandma Henrouille decides to live to spite her son. Her sudden vivacity is vindictive rather than joyous. This cynical rebuke of her son and her daughter-in-law appeals to Bardamu much more than someone who is simply optimistic or happy.
Grandma Henrouille’s rediscovered life is almost immediately placed in danger by the reappearance of Robinson, who tries to kill her in Paris and then succeeds in killing her in Toulouse. By this time, Grandma Henrouille’s son has died, and she is not particularly interested in mourning him. She still harbors resentment toward him, and her success working in the crypts in Toulouse is her way of rebuking her son and her daughter-in-law. Ironically, she goes to Toulouse with the man her son hired to kill her. There, Robinson kills her for an entirely different reason. While her son and daughter-in-law wanted Grandma Henrouille dead for financial reasons, Robinson’s murderous intent is largely personal. He resents the old woman, whose survival reminds him of his own painful failure. Her success and her vivacity become intolerable to Robinson. He pushes her down the stairs and then fails to benefit at all from her death. The renewed life of Grandma Henrouille ends with tragedy, a cynical end to one of the few characters who manages to overcome their own alienation.
Of the many women who are subjected to the lies and deceptions of men like Bardamu and Robinson, Madelon stands out. Madelon is a credulous woman; she takes Robinson’s declarations of love seriously. She insists that she loves him as well, even though she occasionally cheats on him with Bardamu. In this respect, she is the ironic counterpart to the men. She lies and deceives Robinson but refuses to examine the incoherence of her own actions. In effect, she is the worst possible target for Robinson’s lies. She believes everything he says, insisting that they are deeply in love. In an alienated society, where men like Robinson lack any conviction, her sincerity becomes dangerous.
Robinson tries to abandon Madelon, but she refuses to allow him to leave her alone. After killing Grandma Henrouille, Robinson flees to Paris. In the past, he has escaped the consequences of his actions by running away. His journey, much like Bardamu’s, is an attempt to ignore consequences or self-reflection but move constantly forward. Madelon’s pursuit renders this method ineffective. She haunts the area around the asylum like a guilty conscience; her physical presence is a demonstration to Bardamu that something is different this time. The empty words Robinson offered to Madelon about love have come back to haunt him. He is being held to account for the first time in his life. Madelon represents the blowback from Robinson’s entire life. She is the righteous nemesis, the physical embodiment of the consequences that he has tried to flee for so long. Madelon shoots Robinson and then runs away into the night, setting out on her own journey by ending Robinson’s.
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