87 pages 2 hours read

Ann Jaramillo

La Linea

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2006

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-text review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. On his 15th birthday, Miguel reflects that, “Abuelita always left something for me to open, and I always knew what would be inside. Calcetines, una camiseta, chones. Something useful. Something my grandma could afford. Something I needed. Something I didn’t want.” Which of the following literary terms does Miguel use in this quote from Chapter 1?

A) Metaphor

B) Simile

C) Anaphora

D) Onomatopoeia

2. Which of the following sentences best describes the importance of the waterfall for Miguel and his friends?

A) It is the place they go to meet their girlfriends.

B) It is a secret hideaway where they can try new things.

C) It is the only location where they can laugh with each other.

D) It is the last area where Miguel saw his parents.

3. Which of the following words best describes life in San Jacinto?

A) Lively

B) Unpredictable

C) Promiscuous

D) Stagnant

4. As Miguel discovers more about his past and the challenges ahead of him, what does Abuelita warn him not to do?

A) Forgive people too quickly

B) Judge others too harshly

C) Trust strangers too easily

D) Love women too indiscriminately

5. What does the distribution of food on the bus in Chapter 15 show about the migrants?