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Lula Dean's Little Library of Banned Books

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2024

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Chapters 9-16Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary: “The Clue in the Diary”

The Clue in the Diary (1932) by Carolyn Keene is an early installment in the Nancy Drew mystery series. This chapter covers the exposure of one of Troy’s own concealed crimes.

Darlene Cagle is a Black girl who was raped at a high school party in the 1990s. Her mother offered her no sympathy or emotional support, and Darlene blamed herself for allowing it to happen. Much to her surprise, Darlene found that Beverly gave her the final cheerleading slot on the varsity squad. Further, Beverly felt that Darlene was not to blame for the rape and said, “‘Don’t let this fucking town win,’ […] Darlene marveled at how dainty she made the word fucking sound. ‘Do not let it stop you from being the person you’re meant to be’” (76).

Beverly made sure that the three boys responsible were cut from the football team. Darlene then went on to college and a career as a psychiatrist. She also married and has two children. She made it out of Troy even though Beverly did not. On a visit back to the little town, Darlene hears about Lula’s campaign to ban books. Darlene’s daughters discover the Nancy Drew book and bring it home, but it conceals a book entitled Speak about a girl who was raped. Using this book as her inspiration, Darlene takes to Facebook and reveals the entire story of her past. One of the perpetrators, Randy Sykes, has since been elected Troy’s mayor. After everyone in town reads the post, Beverly calls to congratulate Darlene.

Chapter 10 Summary: “Secret Keeper Girl”

Secret Keeper Girl (2017) (since renamed True Grit) by Dannah Gresh is a series of books intended to reinforce notions of tween purity from an Evangelical Christian perspective. Within this chapter, a little boy in Troy tries to uncover an unmentionable secret about girls.

Beau Sykes is the 10-year-old son of disgraced mayor Randy Sykes and his wife, Melody. Beau has just seen both his parents driving off in separate cars in a hurry. He is unaware of the scandal that Darlene’s Facebook post has just created for his family. Beau has all sorts of questions about girls, but nobody will tell him what anything means. He only has a rudimentary understanding of the difference between the sexes: “Beau hadn’t spent much time thinking about girls and women. He knew they were different from boys and men. Women had babies and took care of the house. Men went to work and shot things on the weekend” (85).

Beau is especially worried when he hears that his mother bleeds regularly. He thinks she might be sick. His older brother tells him about a box of bandages that his mother keeps hidden under the bathroom sink. At school, his teacher advises him to check out a book at the library on the subject. When the library is closed, Beau goes to Lula’s library and takes a copy of Secret Keeper Girl. Instead, he gets Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret, which is about an adolescent girl’s self-discovery. Beau does get his question answered about female menstruation, and the book doesn’t make it seem weird at all. When he gets home that night, Beau learns that his father has resigned as mayor.

Chapter 11 Summary: “This Blood and Soil”

Blood and Soil (2009) by Ben Kiernan traces the history of genocide from ancient to modern times. Miller creates a fictional variant of this in her reference to a book called This Blood and Soil, which covers the realities of enslavement on the plantations of Georgia. In this chapter, Beverly recalls reading the book as a college freshman and how it changed her perspective on her family history.

In a flashback, Beverly is a college freshman getting her hair done at Val’s Beauty Salon, which offers a view of the town square, complete with its statue of Confederate General Augustus Wainwright. He is Beverly’s great-great-great-great-grandfather, and his statue bears the motto “Bow Not Before Tyrants Fight for Your Freedom, Sacrifice All but Honor, And Die with Dignity” (91). During her youth, Beverly bought into the notion of Confederate heroism and nobility in the face of Yankee oppression. This attitude changed after she met the town librarian, Jeanette Newman. Jeanette is a Yankee transplant who is regarded as the town hippie. When Beverly asks for a book to read, Jeanette gives her This Blood and Soil and points out its unflattering portrayal of Beverly’s planter-class ancestors.

The atrocities people like Augustus Wainwright committed horrify Beverly. She thinks, “The audacity of a man like her ancestor—claiming words like freedom, honor, and dignity when he’d deprived so many people of those very things” (93). Jeanette advises Beverly to look forward instead of back: “You want to make up for what your ancestor did? Learn everything you can and do your best to lead the way forward” (94).

Back in the present moment, Beverly is discussing Randy Sykes’s resignation with her old cheerleading crew. Val owns the salon. Yvette rents a chair from her, and Wanda is having her gray hair dyed. The women speculate that things might change for the better in Troy if they had a good mayor. They might even be able to pull down the statue of Augustus Wainwright. With Sykes gone, they urge Beverly to run for office.

Chapter 12 Summary: “The Art of the Deal”

The Art of the Deal (2009) is one of Donald Trump’s many books promoting success in business. In this chapter, another wheeler-dealer comes to Troy with political ambitions of his own.

Mitch Sweeney is a tall, muscular 60-year-old man who left Troy to pursue a successful career as an actor. He specializes in playing Southern villains. An online rant about the scapegoating of white men brings him to the attention of Make American Great Again (MAGA): “It was Trump who pulled Mitch aside and told him he ought to consider a career in politics. The world needed more men who called things like they saw ‘em” (103). That conversation fueled Mitch’s political ambitions. After hearing about Lula’s intention to run against Beverly for mayor, Mitch thinks he might raise his profile by visiting his hometown of Troy. Lula and Mitch stand beside her little library, where Mitch takes a copy of The Art of the Deal. He tells the assembled news reporters, “If we want to return to the way things were—to a time when our way of life was honored and respected—we have to defeat these libs for good. That’s why I urge everyone here in Troy to vote for Lula Dean!” (111).

Chapter 13 Summary: “You Can’t Go Home Again”

You Can’t Go Home Again (1940) by Thomas Wolfe explores the hostile reception an author receives from his hometown after he writes a novel based on it. This chapter deals with Mitch’s less-than-warm reception by his brother.

Jeb Sweeney is the local veterinarian in Troy, and he holds a negative view of his big brother, who will do anything to grab attention. Mitch arrives for a short visit to inform Jeb that he plans to run for Congress. Since Jeb is a liberal, the two quickly get into a heated discussion about Mitch’s misperception of life in the rural South. Jeb has been holding protests against Lula’s book ban, but Mitch wants him to stop. The latter threatens to sell the family farm, leaving Jeb and his family with no home. Mitch tells Jeb that he’s arranged to stay at Logan Walsh’s house during his visit to town. Logan is the strange young man who was involved in Nathan Dugan’s neo-Nazi group, so Jeb warns Mitch away from him. Mitch ignores the warning and tosses The Art of the Deal at him. Inside, Jeb discovers a copy of Maus instead, a graphic novel about Holocaust survivors. Jeb realizes the significance of the switch: “He didn’t reach any conclusions or compose a list of suspects. Still, there was no doubt in his mind. It was a sign shit was gonna get ugly” (120).

Chapter 14 Summary: “A Field Guide to the Mushrooms of Georgia”

A Field Guide to the Mushrooms of Georgia (2023) by Alan E. Bessette is an informative volume detailing the various fungi found in the state. In this chapter, one of the novel’s characters needs the book for a darker purpose.

The town librarian, Mara Ocumma, notices that the wife of the disgraced mayor is lurking in a private reading section with a book about mushrooms. Mara decides to have a chat with Melody Sykes, guessing that she intends to poison her husband. Melody is furious that nobody told her about Darlene’s rape years earlier. Now, her life is ruined, and she blames Randy for that. Because Melody was one of the original supporters of Lula’s book-banning campaign, she and Mara have a long discussion about censorship. However, Melody is still persuaded that Lula is protecting the younger generation. Mara points out that the mushroom book could lead to murder, so perhaps it ought to be taken off the shelves too. Having reached a stalemate, Mara persuades Melody to seek out a good divorce lawyer rather than kill Randy.

Chapter 15 Summary: “All That She Carried”

All That She Carried (2021) by Tiya Miles is the story of a bag of possessions handed down through three generations of Black women in the South after the Civil War. This chapter depicts a Black woman who carries the burden of destructive intergenerational beliefs.

Betsy Wright is plagued by a sense of guilt because her son Isaac is gay. Deeply religious, she blames herself and thinks she must have been a terrible mother. Otherwise, Isaac would have turned out better. Betsy owns the local flower shop where she worked beside Lula for years. She is well aware of Lula’s social pretensions, reminding everyone that her family once owned the lumber mill where all the Black people worked. Betsy worries about her husband, James, too. Also deeply religious, he initially supported Lula’s book ban: “James needed something to blame, and Lula Dean stepped in with a scapegoat. Betsy knew that a book hadn’t turned their son gay any more than the romance novels she’d once loved had made her a harlot” (134).

Tonight, Lula is holding a rally to save the Confederate statue in the town square, and she wants James up on the podium with her, probably thinking that this will signal Black support for her cause. Betsy intends to return Rivals and Lovers to Lula’s library even though Elijah begged her to read it so that she could understand Isaac better. On the way, she runs into Delvin, who says that Isaac is planning a counterprotest to Lula’s event that evening. He also gives her some words of wisdom about religious intolerance, advising her to forget the Old Testament’s rules and read the New Testament instead: “As far as I know, Jesus never said a damn thing about gay folks or barbecue. But he sure did talk a lot about love” (140).

Chapter 16 Summary: “The Big Reveal”

The Big Reveal: An Illustrated Manifesto of Drag (2023) by Sasha Velour is a book that celebrates queer culture and the latent tendencies toward eccentricity in everyone. “The Big Reveal” is also a literary device used in fiction to dramatically expose some key element of character or plot. In this chapter, the big reveal relates to Lula’s two missing children.

In Florida, Lula’s twin children, Talia and Taylor, are preparing for a drag show they are staging. They believe they have a mission to uplift the world and fight against prejudice through entertainment. At the same time, they have been keeping tabs on their mother’s book-banning activities through social media and now learn that she is planning to run for mayor: “‘I feel like she’s our responsibility,’ Talia said. ‘After everything she did? Why is that bitch our burden to bear?’ ‘Because we’re the only ones who can stop her’” (143). The twins resolve to finish their show in Tallahassee and head back home to deal with Lula.

Chapters 9-16 Analysis

The novel’s second segment continues to illustrate the theme of The Transformative Power of Books as more people come into contact with the banned collection in Lula’s Little Library. While transformation is still happening on an individual level, the story shifts to an examination of the reason for Lula’s censorship in the first place. She frames herself as the local champion of traditional Southern Christian values. While this stance might superficially seem noble, it conceals the hidden goal of Protecting Southern Small-Town Secrets. This posturing foreshadows Miller’s later reveal that Lula promotes virtues that conflict with her own behavior.

All the vignettes in these chapters highlight people who are either trying to keep embarrassing information secret or are at a loss to find the truth that others conceal from them. A major secret contained within the small community of Troy is the gang rape of Darlene Cagle. While Miller establishes the incident from Beverly’s perspective as the teen cheerleader captain who rebuked Lula for spreading rumors, she now shows the same set of facts from Darlene’s viewpoint. After the rape occurs, she receives no sympathy or support from her mother. The prevailing cultural norm blames the female target of sexual violence rather than the male perpetrators of the crime.

Darlene internalizes this damaging set of values and spends the summer self-loathing. It isn’t until Beverly offers her moral support that she begins to treat herself better. She finds even more kindness from the rest of the cheerleading squad. This empathetic response allows her to create a successful life for herself far away from Troy. However, the small town itself remains unchanged, and Darlene can only find her personal salvation by leaving it. The code of secrecy demands that embarrassing events must be hidden from the community. Shortly after the rape, Darlene realizes the complicity of the entire town in suppressing dangerous truths. She says, “It seemed like people in Troy were always trying to pretty things up. […] They stepped politely around uncomfortable subjects—and the people who inspired them” (75). This harmful tendency Darlene highlights further contributes to the theme of protecting small-town secrets.

Not surprisingly, Darlene finally has an epiphany when she returns for a visit to Troy, and one of Lula’s banned books ends up in her hands. It is about a rape survivor who speaks out, which inspires Darlene to do the same. She finally recognizes that her silence contributes to the destructive cycle of sexual violence. Unlike her mother, she wants to protect her children from a similar ordeal: “The worst thing you could do as a parent, she thought, was to shield young women from the ugliness of the world—then blame them when they did not see it coming” (79). Just as the book’s first segment highlighted characters who shocked the community by breaking its rules, Darlene does the same by posting her story to Facebook. One of her former abusers, the current mayor, leaves town in disgrace as a result. Darlene’s actions further cement the symbol of mass media in the narrative.

Darlene is not the only character who confronts secrets in these chapters. Little Beau Sykes learns about the realities of female biology by reading a banned book. His mother, Melody, engages in a meaningful conversation about censorship after the librarian discovers her planning to feed her rapist husband poisonous mushrooms. Isaac’s mother feels more disposed to accept her son’s orientation after Elijah urges her to read a book about a gay couple. Beverly also finds her life changed by a book that allows her to see beyond the suppressed truths that placed her despicable ancestor on a pedestal. With each character seeking out critical information in books, Miller further develops the theme of the transformative power of books and the symbol of the banned book list.

At the same time that the town experiences a covert awakening, Lula redoubles her effort to return Troy to its traditional Southern values. Her effort to ban books is another facet of Protecting Southern Small-Town Secrets. Aside from Darlene’s secret, now exposed, the biggest secret is the unsavory reality of General Augustus Wainwright, a Confederate war hero. Consequently, the Confederate statue in the town square becomes the symbolic battleground between the progressive Beverly and the reactionary Lula, who both decide to run for mayor. Lula represents the past, while Beverly symbolizes the future. The segment’s final chapter indicates that Lula is harboring a major secret of her own. The segment concludes by suggesting that no secret can stay buried forever.

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