63 pages 2 hours read

Jerry Spinelli

Maniac Magee

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1990

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Finding a Home

Jeffrey’s journey from Bridgeport to Hollidaysburg to Two Mills illustrates his search for the loving home and family that he never experienced with his birth parents. Because they died when he was so young, he doesn’t remember his home with them, but the idea of his birth parents still haunts him. Living with his aunt and uncle provided no support or warmth, as they were too busy ignoring each other to show Jeffrey affection. Having no experience with a true family, Jeffrey still knows that one of its trademarks is communication, and with each new connection that he makes in Two Mills, it is clear that he always strives to communicate well and create positive interactions. Although his first version of home with his aunt and uncle is entirely out of his control, his choice to run away from Bridgeport stands as both an act of rebellion and an unequivocal declaration of freedom and autonomy. By rejecting his aunt and uncle, he is ultimately choosing a new home of his own, even though it will be a while in the making.

In his initial habit of running boldly around Two Mills and greeting strangers wherever he goes, Jeffrey’s primary goal is clearly to find human connection despite his outsider status.