80 pages 2 hours read

John Berendt

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1994

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Key Figures

Jim Williams

Jim Williams is a middle-aged bachelor living alone in the Mercer House, one of the grandest homes in Savannah. Williams was not born rich, however, and he does not hide his humble roots; his father was a barber and his mother was a secretary. He often professes disdain for those who were born wealthy, claiming that they are conventional and weak as opposed to himself. He deflates aristocratic ideals, and instead he has great pride in his ability to build his wealth and reputation out of nothing. His mother said that even as a child he was already an accomplished businessman.

Williams made his wealth as an antiques dealer and as a restorer of old houses. He was part of a group of Savannah residents that began restoring the historic homes in downtown Savannah during the 1950s, transforming the area from a slum to place of historic grandeur. His reputation grew as his wealth did, and soon he was throwing the biggest annual party in Savannah: his Christmas ball. He greatly enjoys creating the annual guest list as he is able to decide who will be invited to this most sought-after event. His polished and powerful life, however, is at odds with his violent and wild assistant, Danny Hansford.