72 pages 2 hours read

Lois Lowry

Number the Stars

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1989

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Character Analysis

Annemarie Johansen

Annemarie is the ten-year-old protagonist of the story. She enjoys running, at which she is particularly talented, and playing with her best friend, Ellen Rosen. Annemarie is described as light-haired and lanky, which helps her to run faster. She also has a love of stories and is good at inventing fairy tales to tell her sister.

A native of Copenhagen, Annemarie was seven when the Germans first occupied Denmark. Unlike her younger sister Kirsti, she has clear memories of the time before the war. Because of this, she serves as a useful perspective on the changes the war has brought. From food shortages to the presence of soldiers, she notices and comments on the differences between the past and the present time of the novel, providing an access point for readers. Given the significant historical moment in which she is living, Annemarie wonders if she would show courage in a difficult situation, later questioning whether she is truly brave. However, her actions (including running through the woods and confronting the German soldiers) prove that she is defined by these traits.

Annemarie's intelligence is also notable. Although the adults try to keep information from her in order to protect her, Annemarie is perceptive.