57 pages 1 hour read

Fred Gipson

Old Yeller

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1942

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Character Analysis

Travis Coates

Having absorbed his esteemed Papa’s teachings, Travis is skilled and capable. At 14 years old, Travis can provide for the homestead nearly as well as an adult. Travis displays significant knowledge of the natural world around him. He distinguishes how different animals react in a fight and is savvy to their habitats and food sources. Travis trains himself to master fear, “just like you can train your arm to throw a rock” (95), showing strong mental self-control. Thanks to this ability, Travis can bravely face threats against home and family, like his attempt to singlehandedly drive off the fighting range bulls.

Travis demonstrates strong qualities of love and loyalty. Yeller helps Travis realize the love he has for his family, and Travis is then able to love Yeller, feeling “mean” about how he had treated him (55). Travis also has a well-developed sense of humor and a sensitive as well as practical side. He unabashedly admires the natural beauty of Birdsong Creek, and he takes enjoyment observing nature. Travis does not like to cause creatures unnecessary pain. The thought of wounding instead of killing the doe saddens him, and he dislikes hurting the shoats, though his practical nature understands that he must castrate them.