51 pages 1 hour read

Open City

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2011

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Part 2, Chapters 17-21Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2

Part 2, Chapter 17 Summary

In April, Julius goes on a picnic in Central Park with an unnamed friend, his friend’s girlfriend (Lise-Anne), and Moji. Julius notes that he is more introverted in the winter and more extroverted in the spring. While Moji reads Anna Karenina, a dad calls his daughter’s name, Anna, nearby. A plane flies overhead and three people skydive out of it, landing in the park. Julius remembers diving into a pool at the University of Lagos to save a boy’s life.

After the skydivers land, police officers arrive to arrest them. The crowd cheers for the skydivers and boos the police. Julius considers how Lise-Anne and his friend are a good match, or at least a better match than his friend’s previous girlfriends. He recalls that he and Moji were talking about environmental issues when they first arrived at the park. She talks about bees dying—colony collapse disorder. His friend jokes about the disorder sounding like a colonial uprising, and Lise-Anne brings up the Spanish film El Espiritu de la Colmena—in English, The Spirit of the Beehive.

Julius argues that the world is unprepared for a disaster or plague like what the bees are experiencing, and Lise-Anne changes the subject by asking about his patients. He supplies stories about his and his colleagues’ more extreme cases, admitting that he and other psychiatrists privately classify some patients as “simply nuts” (202). His friend responds with the idea that people use “insanity” as an excuse to suppress dissenting opinions. His friend also talks about issues in his family that could be linked to mental illness, like drug use and drug dealing, as well as suicide.

Moji thinks Black people who have been in America for generations have to deal with so much structural racism that they are likely to experience mental illness. Julius likes his friend’s girlfriend and asks about Moji’s boyfriend. She asks if Julius wants to know her boyfriend’s race. Julius is unsure whether Moji is attracted to him, and vice versa. The group splits up as they leave the park.

In the next section, Julius thinks about the practice of psychiatry, critiquing the field for dividing the world into two groups—the “sane” and the “insane”—while in reality people who live with mental illness are often very different. He tries to offer coping mechanisms if cures are not available. Julius thinks he is unlike other psychiatrists in that he considers the soul’s place among knowledge of the brain and mind. Over the course of his residency, he has realized he does not want to stay in academia and would prefer to find work in a hospital or small practice.

In April, Julius’s department chair was removed because he used racist language when talking about Asian patients. This professor is replaced by someone more compassionate and competent—Professor Helena Bolt. His coworkers noticed a positive change after she had been in charge for a month. Julius contrasts the comic anecdotes he shared in the park with his feeling that there is an overwhelming amount of sorrow spreading currently.

Julius thinks of Freud as an important figure whose work should be read as literature rather than science. Julius applies Freud’s ideas about grief and mourning to New Yorkers after 9/11—that their mourning has been disrupted. He describes a patient he started seeing in the spring, Mr. F., a Black World War II Navy veteran. After the death of his wife, Mr. F. moved in with one of his daughters. The family thought he was getting Alzheimer’s, but it was depression. At the end of their two sessions together, Mr. F. says that seeing a Black man in a doctor’s coat makes him feel proud, since people try to keep Black men like them from being successful.

Part 2, Chapter 18 Summary

On 124th Street, Julius sees two young Black men, who acknowledge him, then walk a different direction. Near Morningside Park, the two men return, joined by a third man, and mug Julius. They steal his wallet and phone and inflict a number of bruises and cuts, with perhaps more severe damage to his left hand. Julius tries to clean himself off and keep walking as if nothing has happened. He does not think his injuries are severe enough to go to the hospital, and heads back to his apartment.

There, he thinks about how he will have to cancel his credit cards, make a police report, and tell his work what happened so he can take a few days off to recover. Through his window, he sees a woman praying with a tallit—a Jewish prayer shawl—and considers that if prayer is defined as “a practice of presence,” then his walking around the city, viewing art, listening to music, and talking to friends and strangers, could also be considered a form of prayer (215). Julius also thinks about the stories other people have told him about being mugged.

Two weeks later, Julius visits a diner on Broadway. He watches a blond young man teach Chinese to an Asian woman. Julius is still having trouble with his hand, but his other injuries have healed. He sees a line forming around a nearby federal building and walks by the line as he leaves the diner. In the line are a diverse group of people going through immigration procedures. Julius stops to watch a woman joyfully greet her family after emerging from the building, but a guard tells him to move along.

Julius discovers a small memorial identifying the land as an African burial ground. He thinks about the bodies that have been discovered, and how the gravesite has been covered with businesses and government buildings. He remembers learning that in the 19th century, when the nascent science of anatomy led to freshly buried corpses being illegally dug out of the ground to supply the anatomists with models for dissection, Black corpses were exhumed at higher rates than other corpses, and this led to the passage of the 1856 New York Anatomy Act. He also remembers that the corpses in the Negro Burial Ground were laid there individually and with ceremony—it is not a mass grave. When he reaches to pick up a stone, he feels a sharp pain in his injured hand.

Part 2, Chapter 19 Summary

In May comes the anniversary of Julius’s father’s burial, which occurred in 1989, when Julius was fourteen. He had to have clothes made, so his aunt took him to a tailor. The tailor taking his measurements was comforting. The day of the funeral was very hot. During the funeral, Julius recalled a traumatic incident from five years earlier, when his driver hit and killed a young girl. He realized that he had repressed the memory and was now reliving it as if for the first time.

After his father’s funeral, there was a party at the family home. Julius’s mother was not present at the party or at the tailor. There were some unruly kids at the party who burst out laughing and couldn’t stop. Julius still considers their interruption of the somber tone to be a positive thing. He remembers the day of the funeral, not the day of his father’s death, and conflates some of his memories with images of funerals he has seen in paintings.

On the eighteenth anniversary of the funeral, Julius is riding the subway in New York. He sees an MTA employee checking the vents and thinks about the Zyklon B used in the camps in the 1940s. His grandmother fled to Berlin to escape the Holocaust, and he knows very little about his grandfather. Julius thinks he sees one of the men who mugged him, but realizes it is not the same person. He recalls dreaming about the mugging, and that in the dream he hit the muggers, which caused him to feel pain in his injured hand. Julius chats with the MTA employee about his work on the ventilation system.

Part 2, Chapter 20 Summary

Moji invites Julius to a party at the apartment of her boyfriend, John Musson. Before he arrives there, Julius walks around Mitchel Square, noticing how buildings take on the names of the people and corporations who make large donations to them. He considers how commerce has spread into hospitals. Walking through the nearby, predominantly Puerto Rican neighborhood of Washington Heights, he encounters Mary, the nurse who used to work for Saito. They talk about Saito until Mary’s baby cries, and she leaves.

Julius looks at the site of the Loews 175th Street Theater, which had become a church. He thinks about its architecture and history. Then, he walks past the Coliseum and up some stairs to Pinehurst. He walks through Cabrini and to the Cloisters Museum. Julius recalls visiting the museum with his friend and looking at the walled garden. Thinking about the various plants leads him to thinking about Paracelsus, a German humanist, and his search for signs. Julius connects Paracelsus’s pursuit of aligning the internal and external with the practice of psychiatry. He recalls telling his friend about how the minds of patients can trick them and uses the concept of a “blind spot” to describe what psychiatry lacks.

At Moji’s party, Julius finds himself attracted to Moji and, perhaps as a consequence, dislikes her boyfriend. Julius stays late into the night, talking with a woman from Cleveland. On the terrace, John talks with Julius about plants. In the morning, Julius wakes up before the other party guests and goes out on the terrace. Moji joins him there and tells him that he forced himself on her eighteen years ago. She describes how it happened while they were both drunk at a party, how she suffered in the intervening years, and how she didn’t tell anyone. She asserts that John does not like Julius, even without her sharing what Julius did. Other guests wake up and interrupt them before Julius responds, and he leaves quickly thereafter.

This confession causes Julius to think about Nietzsche and Scaevola. As he walks home, he considers heroism and villainy, believing that everyone thinks they are a hero in the story they tell about their lives. He stops at a diner on Cabrini for coffee and then walks to the George Washington Bridge, where there is a car accident. When he gets to his building, he sees his neighbor Seth throwing out mattresses that have been infested by bedbugs. Julius thinks about how his friend had bedbugs right before he decided to leave New York and move to Chicago with his girlfriend Lise-Anne.

Part 2, Chapter 21 Summary

Julius completes his residency at the end of summer and joins a private practice under David Ng, on the Bowery. In his office, Julius can see the birds outside. He has moved to a new apartment near the office and describes how he has furnished the office, including a detailed description of a postcard of Heliopolis. He listens to classical music on New York stations and learns about a series of concerts by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. He attends a performance of Mahler’s Ninth Symphony and thinks about Mahler’s life.

Julius describes the music at the concert, as well as how he stands out as a young Black man at classical concerts in New York. Also, Julius describes the conductor, Simon Rattle, of the orchestra, and how an old woman leaves during the final movement. Julius thinks about Mahler’s final illness and the end of his life. After the concert ended, Julius accidentally exits through an emergency exit to a fire escape. There is no handle on the outside of the door, and he has to climb down several floors until he can get back into the building. Before he reenters the building, he sees stars in the sky above and remembers that in many cases, the stars are so far away that, by the time their light reaches his eyes, the stars themselves are already dead. He is looking at dead stars—looking into the past—and his “blind spot” prevents him from seeing newly-born stars.

Julius walks by Central Park, passing Saito’s apartment, and takes the subway to the Chelsea Piers building. A tourist boat invites him aboard for a free trip, and Julius accepts. They go past the Statue of Liberty, and Julius thinks about how people are no longer allowed to climb into the crown after 9/11. The novel ends with him thinking about how, when the statue was a working lighthouse, birds would die because they were disoriented by the flame.

Part 2, Chapters 17-21 Analysis

The final section of the novel takes place in New York City and develops the theme of New York City as Palimpsest. One poignant example is when Julius thinks about an African burial ground, which was once a large plot, though now all that remains of it is a small memorial plot on a side street. This is a history that is not completely erased. However, “most of the burial ground was now under office buildings, shops, streets, diners, pharmacies, all the endless hum of quotidian commerce and government” (220). The Africans subjected to the cruelty of the slave trade haunt this space but are only given a small memorial plot. In this way, Cole explores the interrelation between two metaphors for the continued existence of the past within the present: the palimpsest and the haunting.

The specter of 9/11 haunts New York throughout the novel. Drawing on his training as a psychiatrist and his grounding in literary theory, Julius reads the text of the city in light of Freud’s Mourning and Melancholia. Speaking of New York in the aftermath of the attacks, he says, “the mourning had not been completed, and the result had been the anxiety that cloaked the city” (209). The residents of the city are not able to process their grief over the attacks properly. Based on his experiences as a psychiatric resident, Julius believes that “there really is an epidemic of sorrow sweeping our world, the full brunt of which is being borne, for now, by only a luckless few” (208). This assertion is based on anecdotal evidence, rather than psychoanalytic theory. Often, the “luckless few” are from marginalized groups, those set apart by Race, Ethnicity, and Difference.

The theme of Race, Ethnicity, and Difference is developed in the final section. Moji notes how Black people in America are affected by the institution of slavery, while some Africans who immigrated to America do not have this generational trauma. She says, “the things black people have had to deal with in this country—and I don’t mean me or Julius, I mean people like you, who have been here for generations—the things you’ve had to deal with are definitely enough to drive anyone over the edge. The racist structure of this country is crazy-making” (203). Dealing with the systemic racism in America, she argues, is painful enough to cause mental illness. Because he is an immigrant from Africa and not a descendant of enslaved people, Julius feels separate from Black people who have lived in America their whole lives.

Aside from his family’s history, Julius is set apart from other Black people in NYC when he is mugged by Black men. This is an example of violence occurring between people who look similar but are from different places. Before they attack Julius, the muggers and Julius share this:

[A] gesture of mutual respect based on our being ‘brothers.’ These glances were exchanged between black men all over the city every minute of the day, a quick solidarity worked into the weave of each man’s mundane pursuits, a nod or smile or quick greeting. It was a little way of saying, I know something of what life is like for you out here (212).

After sharing a nod of solidarity, the muggers’ violent action against Julius feels like a more intense betrayal.

The motif of memory comes to the forefront in this section to develop the theme of Physical and Mental Wandering. Julius has trouble remembering things, sometimes because of apparently simple forgetfulness and sometimes because he has repressed traumatic memories. For instance, his driver killed a little girl in Nigeria when he was young, and Julius only recalls this at his father’s funeral. Julius began repressing the accident the day after it occurred: “By then it was as though the little girl in the pale green school uniform, dead on a cool morning, a funereal morning, was something I had dreamed about, or heard in a telling by someone else” (226). Additionally, he does not recognize Moji or Mary, noting how when he sees Mary, Saito’s nurse, after Saito’s death, he “didn’t recognize the face” (233). These issues with memory set up the plot twist—that Julius could have forgotten that he sexually assaulted Moji.

The symbols of vision and birds are fully developed in this final section. Julius uses the metaphor of a “blind spot” in one’s vision to describe the practice of psychiatry: “I have felt most of the work of psychiatrists in particular, and mental health professionals in general, was a blind spot so broad that it had taken over most of the eye. What we knew […] was so much less than what remained in darkness” (239). This is the culmination the ocular (eye-related) imagery that occurs throughout the book. The book ends with the symbol of birds. Julius wanders mentally to facts he read about birds dying from running into the Statue of Liberty, drawn to their deaths by the lights in the statue’s torch, which were intended as a sign of welcome to immigrants: “Nevertheless, the sense persisted that something more troubling was at work. On the morning of October 13, for example, 175 wrens had been gathered in, all dead of the impact, although the night just past hadn’t been particularly windy or dark” (259). This is from the journals of Augustus de Vivier Tassin, a French-born American soldier who served as a colonel in the Civil War. This final passage symbolizes how American freedom (the Statue of Liberty) comes at the cost of the lives of immigrants (the birds).

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