63 pages 2 hours read

Jack Cheng

See You in the Cosmos

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2017

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Character Analysis

Alex Petroski

Alex is the protagonist and primary point-of-view character. He lives in Rockview, Colorado and is interested in space, science, rocketry, and the cosmos. Alex often climbs to the roof of his house to stargaze: “I usually come up here at night so that way I’m closer to the stars even though it’s only one story closer” (10). He has a quirky sense of humor and enjoys jokes about astronomy based on puns. His talkativeness and openness suggest that he is eager, friendly, extroverted, and inquisitive.

His verbal ability, vocabulary, and imagination show strong potential for learning. Alex believes he is very responsible for his age. However, his reactions to conflict show that his emotional intelligence is not as mature; he tends to cry readily in difficult situations, such as not being allowed on the train, losing Carl Sagan, seeing others in conflict or in emotional pain.

Alex has an older brother Ronnie who lives in Los Angeles. Alex’s father died when he was three. He lives with his mother, but Alex reveals that he tends to meal preparations and that she leaves him home alone to take long walks. Alex, however, is so optimistic and cheerful about his rocket, his dog Carl Sagan, his Golden iPod project, and his trip to SHARF that no concern comes through in his recordings regarding his living situation or his mother, besides his hope that he made enough meals for her to eat while he is away.