74 pages 2 hours read

Raina Telgemeier

Smile: A Graphic Novel

Fiction | Graphic Novel/Book | Middle Grade | Published in 2010

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Summary

The retainer gives Raina newfound confidence as she is more willing to smile. She learns that Sean is a basketball player and that he draws, but he only gives her short greetings. Sammy is still interested in her, but Raina downplays their relationship when Melissa asks about it.

Raina initially wants to wait for Sean to ask her to the Valentine’s Day dance, but she ends up asking him. He only gives a vague “I dunno.” Sammy asks Raina the same question, and she initially gives the same response. She later decides to go but feels sick when Sammy mentions having something to give to her. Raina lingers just outside the dance area for a long time before going home without entering.

She feels better after a night playing Super Mario Bros. 2 but learns afterwards that Sammy waited for her the whole night. During band class, a despondent Sammy gives her a plastic bag that she puts under her chair without opening it. Heartbroken, he tells her to “just forget it” (124), and the two never speak again. When she opens it later, she finds a Valentine’s card and box of chocolates with the price tag still on.