
92 pages 3 hours read

Dashka Slater

The 57 Bus: A True Story of Two Teenagers and the Crime that Changed Their Lives (2017)

Nonfiction | Book | YA | Published in 2017

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. C (Part 1)

2. B (Part 1)

3. B (Part 1)

4. D (Part 1)

5. C (Part 2)

6. B (Part 2)

7. C (Part 2)

8. D (Part 2)

9. A (Part 2)

10. C (Part 3)

11. A (Part 3)

12. C (Part 3)

13. A (Part 4)

14. B (Part 4)

15. D (Part 4)

Long Answer

1. In general, the author uses non-traditional nonfiction narrative forms, including source material, text/instant message conversations, and poetry. With Richard specifically, the author uses a more delicate artform to soften the hard-edged “villain.” (Part 2)

2. A “hate crime” is a crime against someone motivated by prejudice. Whether or not Richard committed a hate crime is unclear. The author is ambivalent on this point and does not say one way or another. (Part 3)

3. Sasha enters their sophomore year at MIT and makes an eccentric, progressive, and brilliant friend group.

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